



The Fellowship of the Ring begins in the quiet countryside of the Shire where Bilbo Baggins of Bag End (Ian Holm), a hobbit is celebrating his 111th birthday. In attendance among other people are Bilbo's young heir Frodo (Elijah Wood),and the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellan)。 Gandalf informs Bilbo that the time has come for him to leave Bag End and go on a journey. To Frodo he leaves his home and his most beloved possession a magical ring that turns the wearer invisible. But this isn't just any magical ring - it is the One Ring forged by the Dark Lord Sauron and capable of corrupting the wearer. Sauron's servants the Ring Wraiths are scouring Middle Earth for it since when it is returned to their master nothing will be able to stop him. All of the world is about to be plunged into war and the only way to stop the evil will be to destroy the ring by casting it into the fire where it was forged - in Mordor on the Dark Lord's doorstep. That unenviable task falls to Frodo the ring bearer.


The lord of rings was written by John Tolkien in 1955. He made up a mystical world called Middle Earth. And the start of the story is not a person but an object a ring. The ring allows one to control a host of other rings handed down to the different peoples of Middle Earth: three rings belong to the immortal elves; seven to the dwarfs; and nine rings to mortal humans.

The ring that rules all the others forged using the fires of Mount Doom by the evil Wizard Sauron gives its holder so much power that it corrupts all those who seek to wear it even the purest. Of course there are some peoples that are more pure than others. Humans generally seem incapable of wearing it without being corrupted by its influence. But there exists a diminutive people the Hobbits who do seem at least capable of carrying it without being polluted too much. So the fate had come to a Hobbit- Frodo who had to carry this Ring deep into the shadows of Mordor and unmake it in the place precisely it was made. If this Ring exists the world may fall in the Power of the Dark Lord. So Frodo with his gardener Sam started an amazing journey towards the hope.

Although it is a story of saving the world the Lord of the rings does not deliberately highlight heroism. Both the big man and the little guy are given temptations. The tests given to the little guy often matter to personal interest or personal safety but that doesn't mean little test has no effect on the overall situation. Every time when Bilbo and Frodo who represent little guys yield to the temptation they trigger a crisis. Because sauron can find the location of the ring by taking advantage of their weakness. The big man in the Lord of the rings whether the mage or the elf queen or the hero of the human would also be tempted. They are not omnipotent they may more?likely yield to temptation. They need to struggle the same as the little guy. The only difference between the big and the small is that when the big man met temptation they had more noble reasons--- let us use the ring's ability to fight for the justice against Sauron. The reason is too magnificent and hard to resist. In this way the author Tolkien make the big and small smart and stupid weak and strong all live into the story. They save the world and also save themselves. Weak and strong can have the same self-expectation which pushes the world forward. Weak people do great things not because of its ability but because they must do.
