1.Machinery manufacturing technology is the most important technology appliedinprocessing operation。
2.Metal cutting technology is the technology which is concerned with utilizing various processes to remove material from the workpart and achieve final desired gometry.
3.In metal cuttingtools and workparts must have certain relative movements during processing in order to achieve geometry needed.The movements include main movement and feed movement.
4.production operation is the processing step in which one operator process one Workpart at one orkstation。
5.Heat-treating operation is the way to enhance physical properties of metal materials.
6. Feed is concerned with the distance of the cutting tool’s movement relative to the workpiece at the feeding direction.
7.The programe is stored in battery-backed memory and/or EEPROMS.
8.The program can often control complex seq-uencing and is often written by engineers.
9.In fact a robot is basically a highly automated machine that is created to duplicate one or more physical capabilities of a person.
10.Electric system is a very important unit which is used in the field of electric engineering and mechatronics engineering.
11.We applaud the heroism of robot at the movies amazing the robot in Robot Football Match.
12.The world is made up of matters. There are so many different types of materials in the world.
13.Mechanical manufacturing technology is used in the process control in the most important of the technology.
14. CNC technology is being used on all types of machine tools from the simplest to the most complex.
15. A bus (or omnibus or coach), which is a large public conveyance designed to carry a large number of passengers and sometimes additionally small amounts of cargo.
16.The three factors of cutting include cutting speed feed and the depth of cut.
切削用量三要素包括切削速度、进给量和 (或叫吃刀量)。
17.The materials removed from the workpiece are called chips. Chips will have different shapes such as continuous chips segmented nonhomogeneous chips and discontinuous chips according to different part materials processes and other variables.
18.The rubber is another major category in nonmetal materials. It can be divided into natural rubber and synthetic rubber according to the source of raw materials. Because of its high elasticity and electric insulation rubber can be used in making tires shock absorbers airproof loops and electric insulation.
19.Tool materials may be either metal or nonmetal. High-speed steel and carbide are the most widely used metal tool materials.
20.VM means virtual manufacturing. It applied simulation modeling and analysis technology in product development to predict products capability and potential problems of manufacturability before real manufacturing. VM don’t use any resources and energies compared to real manufacturing because it is just a virtual realization of product designing developing and manufacturing in computer. The advantage of utilizing VM is fewer prototypes less materials waste better quality and lower overall manufacturing cost.
21.In fact a robot is basically a highly automated machine that is created to duplicate one or more physical capabilities of a person.
23.Automobile is a self-propelled vehicle used for travel on land. The term is commonly applied to a four-wheeled vehicle designed to carry two to six passengers and a limited amount of cargo as contrasted with (与…比较) a truck which is designed primarily for the transportation of goods and is constructed with larger and heavier parts or a bus (or omnibus or coach), which is a large public conveyance designed to carry a large number of passengers and sometimes additionally small amounts of cargo.