Teeth and claws book review
In this winner holidays I read the"Teeth and claws" in “shuchong”, Teeth and claws"Book" teeth and claws"This book is the story of a few short and pithy:" Lay Denis. Washi Ta"" storytelling"and" Gabriel Ernest.""Tuobo Maury""wolf" consisting of. The length of each story is not long but it is Sylvia wonderful. Author hecla Hugh Munro was a correspondent also a writer.Good with a clear and concise language to tell a wonderful story of one vivid. He wrote wonderful short stories known. He was born 1870 died in 1916.
Each book is a kind of hero story aggressive animals. Bizarre fantasy story but brilliant. May be surprising is that the authors and do not let these animals appear in the forest steppe but these animals appear in the elegant room the king's garden or a beautiful mansion. These animals will suddenly appear people by surprise. These animals with their own animal injury or swallowing. But they always tear up the human camouflage exposing the depths of human nature to most.
The following book review in the Moon
The sun is burning a huge fireball. Without light and heat from the sun we can not survive on the planet Earth. The ozone layer around the planet to protect us from the fire of the sun damage. However if the ozone layer break be like?
Read the story below in the moon I have a more deep sentiment: to protect the earth we must first protect the ozone layer is not destroyed reducing CFC emissions.
All life on Earth would be no life left the sunlight and the sun light is visible light ultraviolet infrared three parts. Sunlight into the atmosphere (including UV), 55% of light through the atmosphere to the earth and sea of which 40% of visible light which is the driving force for photosynthesis green plants; 5% 100 —— 400 nm wavelength ultraviolet light and ultraviolet divided into long wave medium wave short wave ultraviolet light UVA can sterilization. But the wavelength of 200 —— 315 nm short-wave ultraviolet radiation on the human body and biological harmful. When it passes through the stratosphere the most absorbed by the ozone layer.
However in the fast advancement of human technology a large discharge of sewage and toxic gases heavy use of products containing CFCs the ozone layer destruction. Imagine if the"ozone layer" that destroyed the umbrella of the Earth the Earth will happen?
How should we do to protect the ozone layer? We can drive less use less products containing CFCs no radiation of appliances to buy .
To our planet please protect the ozone layer. Hope that through our efforts not to expand empty and even to restore the original appearance of the earth more beautiful more human health and longevity!
These days I looked at one"Seabed 20000 Miles" this book is extremely interesting.Among them I iceberg this content deep am moved deeply by"Seabed 20000 Miles".
They in the South Pole area navigation in on the road which comes back unfortunate is surrounded by the iceberg but they used own wisdom to save own life.
A how soul-stirring quarter! Thinks them in the dangerous situation they is clear-headed has overcome the difficulty with the wisdom.Then I? I all very am from infancy to maturity timid moreover is approaching difficultly time does not have the courage to go facing to defeat it.
But"Seabed 20000 Miles" have given me some courages I should study their that kind of not fear hard and dangerous spirit!
"Seabed 20000 Miles" although is only a risk novel but it has given me actually many courages it lets me face the reality bravely do not have to become the turtle which is afraid of getting into trouble timidly!
Schoolmates let us make contact with this marvelous submarine together has a look the seabed forest the coral kingdom the mystical buried treasure and the sunken wreck! Also some many new stimulation thing waits for us to understand.
well,lets us explore together enters together"Seabed 20000 Miles" world.